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发布时间:2020-05-13 10:24信息来源:美国北卡州立大学


The research group’s focus is on the manufacture of multifunctional ceramic materials, especially on their structural, electrical/dielectric, mechanical, and thermal properties, and how to manufacture such materials for applications in high temperatures and extreme environments.

This job is for a three-year Postdoctoral Research Associate position working in chemical synthesis and material preparation for ceramic materials through a chemical or polymeric precursor route.

The scope includes impurity manipulation of precursor polymers (such as through doping), polymer precursor synthetization for desired stoichiometry, material fabrication for desired properties, and material property characterizations.

Responsibilities will include:

• Ceramic processing

• Sample fabrication of ceramics and ceramic matrix composites

• Material property characterizations, such as FT-IR, XRD, XPS, Raman, TGA/DSC, SEM, TEM, and electrical/dielectric property measurements

• Journal paper publications

• Training and supervising graduate and undergraduate students

• Lab management


Requires a doctor’s degree in Material Science and Engineering or Chemical Engineering. Prior experience with ceramic material fabrication through a polymeric precursor route is preferred. Excellent writing skills are required.




